Is Pest Control Necessary in Winter?

Posted by & filed under Pest Control.

problems living with possums

While there certainly are some reasons to be vigilant about pests in summer, there’s no reason to let your guard down in winter either. Let’s take a look at why pest control is necessary in winter, particularly for possums, and what you can do to prevent possums from invading your space.

Is it bad to have possums in your roof?

Posted by & filed under Pest Control, Possum deterrent.


They’re cute, fluffy, native animals… so how could it be bad to have possums living in your roof? Well, put simply, they just are. There are a bunch of reasons why it’s not ideal to have possums in your roof, including the state of your home and your personal health. In this post, we’re going […]

How to possum proof your roof

Posted by & filed under Pest Control, Possum deterrent.

possum deterrent

We love our possums in Australia. How could you not? They’re beautiful, they’re curious and they’re an iconic part of Australian life. Although they’re great, we just don’t appreciate it when they decide to move in. They can be noisy, leave bad smells and cause damage to your home. Thankfully, there are a few ways […]

How much does it cost to remove a possum?

Posted by & filed under Pest Control, Pest Removal, Possums removal.


Possums are kind of like sharks. Well, not really. But think about sharks being amazing, beautiful creatures that are fascinating to watch, and yet you never want to get too close to them. Possums are like that: obviously, for different reasons. So, if you’ve got a possum problem in your home, it’s absolutely necessary that […]

Who pays for removing pests when renting

Posted by & filed under Pest Control, Pest Removal.

who pays for removing pests when renting

It can be difficult to work out who is liable for the cost of removing pests from a rented property. There is no mention in the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 of who the responsibility for dealing with pests and infestations in a rented property and so unless the responsibility is is clearly defined in the […]